truth® branded their powerful #FinishIt campaign with Filmotype Gem in the fall of 2014, thanks to negotiation by YouWorkForThem, in close collaboration with the foundry and the team at the LA agency 72andSunny, and the campaign has been hitting hard ever since.

If you’ve seen a television in the United States recently, you’ve no doubt noticed the incredible #bigtobaccobelike campaign. If you need to send your message with style, grace and impact, look no further than YouWorkForThem Fonts.

You will find loads of new (and hilarious) commercials they have posted this year over at the truthorange youtube channel.

About Filmotype Gem

Initially designed in the early-to-mid 1950s, Filmotype Gem is the boldest member of Filmotype’s larger Grotesque condensed ‘G’ series sans serif typefaces. Remastered and expanded with exacting precision from the original filmstrips, Filmotype Gem includes a full international character compliment, automatic fractionals, ordinals, and a suite of alternates in dynamic OpenType format.